Day Forty Five
‘The law is an ass….’

When Lord Denning said that, he wasn’t implying the Law was foolish, although that’s how it’s frequently interpreted.  He was explaining that the law has to bear many heavy burdens, including when people bring claims to court which are downright stupid.
But with laws like the following, Denning’s words could be taken either way.

It’s still the case in the UK, that beached whales, dolphins and sturgeons (the source of caviar) must be offered to the Monarch first.  In 2004 a man who caught a 113 Kg (250 Sturgeon did just that.

The Queen declined, saying she’d already arrange to have beans on toast for tea.
The fish, nicknamed Stanley is now in the Natural History Museum in London.

Incredibly, the fisherman was then subject to a police investigation based on the mediaeval (1300) law, which states that deliberately catching a sturgeon is illegal.  
Other bizarre legislation from 1313 makes it illegal to wear armour in Parliament; to be drunk in charge of cattle and “to handle a salmon in suspicious circumstances”.     ‘Evening Officer, this salmon asked me to keep it warm under my coat.’
 Next time you’re down the Fox and Ferret for a bevvy with the boys, remember it’s illegal to be intoxicated in a pub, or for the landlord to serve anyone who is obviously drunk. Some landlords turn a blinde eye to the pie-eyed but that 1872,  Licensing Act is still in force. But rarely enforced.
 It’s no wonder The Met need more boots on the ground, they’re constantly stopping joiners, cleaners and small Victorian children.   It’s illegal to carry a plank, ladder, wheel, pole, cask, placard or hoop along a pavement in the Metropolitan Police District.
You’ll also be carpeted if you beat or shake any rug or mat, although you can beat the living daylights out of a doormat as long as it’s before 8am.
As if that isn’t enough, the police can feel your collar for  flying kites, playing annoying games and sliding on ice or snow in the street.

If you’re late for work, don’t jump the queue in the Tube ticket hall, that too is illegal.
 Due to the sad decline of archery skills, the Unlawful Games Act of 1541 was brought in. It required every Englishman younger than 60  to keep a longbow and regularly practice archery.  This law, whilst revised in 1943 was not repealed until 1960.  
The courageous Jack Churchill

One man who took this law seriously was  ‘Fighting Jack’ (some called him ‘Mad Jack’) Churchill DSO & BarMC & Bar, who fought gallantly in the Second World War  with sword and  long bow.

Mad Jack leading a charge. Extreme right - with sword

Some of these laws would drive you mad but under but The Madhouses Act 1774 it’s an offence to keep more than one lunatic without a licence.
Another law brought in during the 1300’s, referred to Bubonic Plague and made it illegal to enter a public carriage.  That law was repealed, to be replaced by the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 but that section is still in force and tragically relevant today.
“No person who is known to be suffering from a notifiable infectious disease may enter a bus or taxi without notifying the driver.”  

If all this sounds too risky, don’t think emigrating to the USA will help.  In Colorado, you can own a catapult but can't use it, worse you can’t fire flaming arrows either. I think they’ve been watching too many western movies.

In Yorkshire, where I and fish and chips originated, most people prefer to eat them with their (previously washed one hopes) fingers.  In Georgia, they’ve gone further. It’s actually illegal to eat fried chicken with utensils of any kind. Finger lickin’ good only.
In Connecticut pickles must bounce!   Connecticut’s Food and Drug Commissioner  says  they should bounce when dropped from the height of one foot.   Mmm, but would you really want to eat them afterwards?
In Salem, where, you may remember,  they used to burn witches, it’s wise not to have a house fire.   If you and your spouse leap naked from your bed to escape the flames, you’ve committed a crime.   It's illegal for a married couple to sleep nude.
No mention of what happens if you’re not married. Maybe in Salem they can’t imagine people could ever sleep in the same bed before marriage, unless the devil made them do it.
 Don’t try to sell your children in Florida, however annoying they are and if your grandparents live in Vermont, remind them that grandma must get written permission from her spouse before she can wear false teeth.
If only he'd give me that dratted letter I could look like Sophia Loren

Planning to travel to Japan any time soon? Think twice if you have a nasal allergy or a bunged up nose. Vicks inhalers and over-the-counter sinus medications are banned.

Dressing like this in Saudi Arabia, Jamaica and Barbados, can get you sent to the glasshouse.

 Some myths about the law include:
‘Women cannot each chocolate on public transport.' 
Totally untrue according to the experts at Cadbury's.

It is illegal to destroy money. No, it’s not but if you deface money by writing on it or drawing a moustache on the Queen - that IS illegal under Currency and Banknotes Act 1928.

One popular myth is that you can happily get off your face on ganja in Jamaica.
It’s illegal to use or possess Mary Jane, Dak, Grass or Weed, although the Jamaican government has made special provision for genuine use by those following the Rastafarian religion, in which cannabis is an important part.

  The Aztecs were spiritual people and among their pantheon of deities was the goddess Mayahuel who gave birth to 400 rabbits which she fe...