My eyesight is not too good.
Auckland Libraries has to watch its pennies (even moreso now the city admin is likely to cut the budget even further as a result of what Covid has cost them)
So more and more I'm finding the books I'd love to read are not, as was formerly the case, on audio CD but issued only as eBooks.
The cost of an audio book on CD is anything from $30 to $120 and e-books are a fraction of that, so no surprise that the Acquisitions Team prefer the latter option.
I once looked at an eReader and found my eyes were not up to coping with that sort of technology, so until today, I really did believe eBooks were out of my sight, so to speak.
Then a veritable angel of patience (aka a librarian) rang and assured me she could step by step me through the quite complicated process of joining OverDrive which would allow me to download and listen to books on my computer.
This was not the easiest of tasks, even for someone with good sight and I seemed to be going in circles: being asked to put in my 14 digit library card number no less than 6 times!
But finally and with a huge sense of relief and gratitude to the Angel, we made it and I now have many more options than just audio CDs.
Fifteen years ago, we didn't have this technology and astonishingly it came to popularity just as I began losing my sight.
Maybe the Techno Gods realised I and others with failing eyes, needed their help?
My first download was Cabin Pressure, the award-winning comedy series by John Finnemore about a struggling airline and its unusual (to say the least) crew.
So a good day, of achievement and laughter, thanks to the wonderful help from one of Auckland's magnificent librarians.
Yes, that's Benedict Cumberbach along with John Finnemore, Stephanie Cole and the man with all the best lines: Roger Allam.