Day Nineteen
Laughter is the best medicine

 A collection of bizarre and interesting things to brighten your isolation.

A friend and I have been reminiscing, by phone of course, about the old days.
‘Hey, do you remember those things we used to keep in the bathroom, I think they were called toilet rolls?’

Girlfriend: Are you coming over tonight?
Boyfriend: No,  I’m self-isolating
Girlfriend: (in cajoling voice) But Babe, my parents won’t be home
Boyfriend:  Well they should be!!

On Easter Sunday, the huge  statue of Christ the Redeemer which stands 30ft high atop Corcovado Mountain in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,  was lit up to look like a doctor and the words "Thank you" in several different languages, as a tribute to health workers.

Girl: Dad, why did you call my brother ’Paris’?
Dad: Because your Mum and I were in Paris when he was conceived.
Girl: Oh, I see, thanks for explaining.
Dad: No problem, Corona.

'Don't forget Rapunzel was in isolation for years but still managed to meet the man of her dreams.'

Actor Leslie Phillips tell of a letter he received from a landlady after he’d written  to book a room.
‘Dear Mr Phillips, I have a very nice front and a very nice back and you can have which ever you like. The lavatory is outside but you may use the piano.’

Lego encouraged its enthusiasts to make models and upload their results to the Internet but to their consternation,  saw some of the little Lego people had acquired additions.

Typically, Lego people don’t have what a spokesman called ‘intimate parts’ which is probably why Lego people look more grumpy these days.
To prevent offence, Lego commissioned special software which could detect the naughty bits and alert HQ.

Lego is, astonishingly, also used as prosthetic legs for tortoises.

Brookesia Micra is the smallest chameleon species on earth.  Here it’s seen on a match head.

Trump, the man whose name actually means ‘fart’ (if you come from the North of England you already know this)  is an award winning actor. 
He appeared in ‘Ghosts Can’t do It.’
Neither could he apparently, the award was a Razzie (Golden Raspberry) for Worst Supporting Actor.

It’s very easy to mis-hear things:
What are your intentions?  Can also be, ‘What are urine tensions?’

The Sound of Music, one of the most loved musicals of all time, was banned in China as being ‘capitalist pornography’ - the reason?  The song, ‘The Hills are Alive’ was deemed to be about Maria’s breasts. It obviously gained something in translation.

Jing Mei decided she would like a very special wedding dress when she married fiance Jian in 2014. 
The train would be 3 miles long.
 It  weighed 120lb and took 40 bridesmaid's to hold it.
When questioned by a reported, Jian, a man who clearly started as he meant to go on said, 'It's her day, what she says, goes.' 

It was a Victorian custom and prevailed well into the 1940’s, for fathers to arrange  to have their daughters' teeth extracted prior to marriage.
The teeth were then presented to the groom as a gift.

As tooth hygiene was not particularly good in those days, many people had gum disease and extensive decay by the time they reached marriageable age.
This strange tradition was ostensibly to prevent costly dental treatment later but I’m sure the idea of kissing someone with a mouth full of decaying teeth didn’t appeal either.
I could not discover if the same fate was forced upon the groom.

Students at Trinity College, Cambridge were prevented, by an ancient law,  from taking their babies into college.
So the college re-defined babies as cats.

Lord Byron, outraged that Trinity would not allow him to keep a dog in his rooms, carefully perused the documentation - then bought a bear. The rules did not forbid bears. 

Doug and Sam, a couple of hunters,  are out in the wilderness when Sam suddenly falls to the ground.
Doug rushes to help him but can see no injuries.
In panic, he rings the emergency services, ‘Help, help, my buddy’s dead, my buddy’s dead!’
The soothing voice at the other end says, ‘First of all sir, be calm.   I need you to make sure your friend is actually dead.’
The operator holds on, hears a shot then Doug says, ‘Okay, now what?’

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