Day Thirty Nine

Covid-19 has certainly created some strange situations around the world.

In the USA, several States brought in the compulsory wearing of face masks but Zorro and the Lone Ranger didn't quite get the idea.

'Keep your distance!' 
 France is having to re-think laws brought in during 2018. 
The rules,  often seen as anti-Islamic, prohibited face covering,  but may need to be repealed after Les Flic made 33 million arrests.

Police arresting a man in Paris who broke the 'Chapeau stupide' Law of 1987.

People are rushing to grow their own vegetables, quite often indoors where no one has bothered to vacuum the carpets in the spare room since Lockdown began.

Many people in rural areas are also foraging and there’s been a boom in Wild Food recipes.

 The most popular website features Scottish personality Fred MacAulay saying, ‘There’s nothing more enjoyable than growing something in your garden and then having it for dinner.  Last night we had white heather with some grass and tonight we’ll be eating rhododendron leaves and a slug.’

Sources close to MacAulay insist that although he is well known for growing his own, the above does not indicate cultivation of marijuana, known in Scots Gaelic as  'marijuana'.  

Many people have had the opportunity during Lockdown to learn new skills.  
These include certain feats of  endurance such as not washing for 3 months and eating 15 meals a day. 

In warmer climes, some have eschewed laundry and simply stood, fully dressed  under the shower every 17 days or so. 
 Bedding was initially something of a problem until it was realised there was absolutely no need to change the sheets until they actually disintegrated.

Several fashionable Russian ladies waiting in line for their daily vodka supplies

 In Russia, Muscovites have been able to perfect the skill of  ‘The 24/7 Slumber’, the record formerly held only by dedicated vodka drinkers.   This also  saves on food bills.

Queuing at the supermarket is not a problem for most Russians as today’s  5 hour wait outside  Azbuka Vkusa store is nothing  when compared to the Soviet experience of waiting outside GUM for several days to get a tube of toothpaste.
“Я однажды в очереди 3 дня за морковкой”  (I queued 3 days for one carrot) says child.

The Pentagon has released 2 previously classified films of UFOs and many people are querying the move.  
Why now after 17 years of close secrecy?
There may be just a wee clue here.  
President Trump (the man whose name means ‘fart’) aka The Orange One had just announced that people could kill the Covid-19 virus by injecting themselves with disinfectant. 

 Other than actually declaring war on China they needed something pretty serious to prevent massive earthquakes due to the world’s 7.8 billion people all falling about laughing simultaneously.

Having watched these films, I’m wondering why they were ever secret in the first place and I confess I’m deeply disappointed.

I was hoping for, at the very least,  Mekon, the ruler of the Treens and Dan Dare’s arch enemy. 

In 1952 when Project Blue Book, the US Air Force's 
programme to collect data on UFOs began, I had high hopes that Dan Dare and his sidekick Digby would help them out.

So I was excited to see what had been kept under such close wraps all these years.  

What we got was a film of an albatross swooping over the sea, then a 2nd albatross spiralling to earth having just been hit by the US Navy plane which filmed it. 

What's so secret about that?

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