Day Five:
The fresh vegetables bought before Lockdown are now mostly
An old, dry carrot languishes in the fridge and with half an onion, could, were I desperate, make soup.
I don’t live within reach of any shops and all the people I could call on are also staying safe at home.
An old, dry carrot languishes in the fridge and with half an onion, could, were I desperate, make soup.
I don’t live within reach of any shops and all the people I could call on are also staying safe at home.
Except for one old rebel who never does as he’s
asked and for once, I’m glad of it.
The gentleman (and he’d hotly dispute that if he ever
read this blog) and I have been friends for many years.
‘Hello darlin’, ' he said when I picked up the phone, 'anything you need?’
I would normally
give him a cheeky answer to a question like that but I requested instead a bottle
of milk and a pumpkin.
‘You shall
go the ball Cinders.’
Two hours later I heard a bellow, ‘Merry Christmas!’ outside my door and there
stood the most unlikely elf with two bags of vegetables.
‘I got extra because it’s almost Easter and
you won’t be able to get into the shops soon.’
‘You mean you can at the moment?’

It seemed security guards were stationed at the
entrances and exits to the largest supermarkets and as soon as 10 people exited,
another 10 were allowed in.
The only
way, apparently, to prevent battles over items on the shelves.
It hasn’t prevented drivers fighting in the
car parks for the last space as they queue for hours to get in.
My rebel stood well back as I threw a roll of notes at him.
After he’d gone, I unpacked the vegetables
and at the very bottom of the bag found
a little chocolate Easter Egg.
God love ya Martin!
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