
The (mostly) serious bit

Whether you call it SARS-CoV-2, Covid or Corona, this virus, first identified in 2019, is undoubtedly the 21st Century’s new C-word.

It looks far too pretty to be so deadly. In fact my Mum had a garnet brooch very similar to this little beggar.
With all the grim prognostications and statistics flying around, I wanted to inject (no vaccine is at present available) some interest and occasional humour into what for the whole world, is a heartbreaking and difficult situation.
You may, with some justification, think this is no situation for levity but as the old saying has it, ‘If you don’t laugh, you’ll go mad’.
And we wouldn't want that, would we?

Not wanting to be any madder than I already am and to prevent my own emotional decline as I went into solitary confinement, I decide to use The Lockdown Diaries as my own personal therapy, a way of staving off the fear and uncertainty. And maybe, along the way, cheering others.

 I hope you enjoy some or all of it.   

Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay at Home.

1 comment:

  1. What a good, positive idea. Good on yer!

    I look forward to reading on.

    Jane AKA grammaretto, Kiwi in Scotland.


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